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General Tree

class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, name, designation) -> None: = name
self.designation = designation
self.child = []
self.parent = None

def add_node(self, name, designation):
child = TreeNode(name, designation)
child.parent = self

self.child += [child]
return child

def print_tree(self):
padding = self.node_level() * " " * 3
padding += ("|_ _" if self.parent else "")
print(padding + + " (" + self.designation + ")")
if self.child:
for node in self.child:

def node_level(self):
parent = self.parent
level = 0
while parent:
level += 1
parent = parent.parent

return level

def build_tree(self):
cto = root.add_node("Shyamu", "CTO")
hr_head = root.add_node("Nikita", "HR Head")

infra_head = cto.add_node("ramu", "Infra Head")
cto.add_node("rahul", "Application head")

hr_head.add_node("akshay", "Recruitment Manager")
hr_head.add_node("paresh", "Policy Manager")

infra_head.add_node("Dhaval", "Cloud Manager")
infra_head.add_node("ABhijit", "App Manager")

if __name__ == "__main__":
root = TreeNode("Shekhar Patil", "CEO")



Feel free to follow my work on GitHub: Singly linked list in Python.