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Dijkstra's Algorithm

package main

import (

type MinHeap []Node

type Node struct {
vertex int
dist int

func (h MinHeap) Len() int { return len(h) }
func (h MinHeap) Less(i, j int) bool { return h[i].dist < h[j].dist }
func (h MinHeap) Swap(i, j int) { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }
func (h *MinHeap) Push(x any) { *h = append(*h, x.(Node)) }
func (h *MinHeap) Pop() any {
old := *h
n := len(old)
node := old[n-1]
*h = old[:n-1]
return node

func Dijkstra(edges [][][]int, start int) map[int]int {
dist := make(map[int]int)
for i := 0; i < len(edges); i++ {
dist[i] = math.MaxInt32
dist[start] = 0

// Min-heap to track the shortest distances
minHeap := &MinHeap{}
heap.Push(minHeap, Node{vertex: start, dist: 0})

visited := make(map[int]bool)

for minHeap.Len() > 0 {
node := heap.Pop(minHeap).(Node)
if visited[node.vertex] {
visited[node.vertex] = true

// Explore neighbors
for _, neighbor := range edges[node.vertex] {
dest, weight := neighbor[0], neighbor[1]
newDist := dist[node.vertex] + weight
if newDist < dist[dest] {
dist[dest] = newDist
heap.Push(minHeap, Node{vertex: dest, dist: newDist})
return dist

func main() {
// Input graph in adjacency list format
start := 0
edges := [][][]int{
{{1, 7}}, // Node 0 connects to Node 1 with weight 7
{{2, 7}, {3, 20}}, // Node 1 connects to Node 2 with weight 7, Node 3 with weight 20
{{3, 14}}, // Node 2 connects to Node 3 with weight 14
{{4, 2}}, // Node 3 connects to Node 4 with weight 2
{}, // Node 4 has no neighbors
{}, // Node 5 has no neighbors

// Compute shortest paths
distances := Dijkstra(edges, start)

// Output the results
fmt.Println("Shortest distances from source:", start)
for vertex, distance := range distances {
fmt.Printf("Vertex %d: %d\n", vertex, distance)

Feel free to follow my work on GitHub: Dijkstra Algorithm in Go.